An option to test the connection using the Test Connection button. 使用TestConnection按钮测试连接的选项。
Keep the default option Prompt me only when additional information is required, and click the Next button. 只有在需要额外信息的情况下保持默认选项Promptme,然后单击Next按钮。
For this example, select the New XHTML File ( 1.0 strict) option and click the Finish button. 对于这个示例,选择NewXHTMLFile(1.0strict)选项,然后单击Finish按钮。
Our solution for JTable was to refresh our table by reassigning the data provider each time a user selected a new option from one of the button's pull-down menus. 我们对JTable使用的解决方案是在每次用户从按钮的下拉菜单选择新的选项时,通过重新分配数据提供程序来刷新表。
Bob must enter the necessary credentials to enable the audiocast option and click the Start Audiocast button. Bob必须输入必要的凭证才能启用audiocast选项并单击StartAudiocast按钮。
To use the existing projects select Existing project option and use the Browse button to select one of the existing project from the workspace. 为了使用已存在的项目,您可以选择已存在的项目选项并使用Browse按钮,以从工作区中选择一个已存在的项目。
Select Remove option as shown below and click the Next button. 如下图所示,选择删除选项,然后点击下一步按钮。
If you do not desire to have both cubes, simply select the desired option using the corresponding option box and press the button with the Transformer logo. 如果不想有两个cubes,仅需利用相应的选项框来选择想要的选项,并按下具有Transformer标徽的按钮。
A new Java-based client option includes an Open button that lets you access your bookmarks. 新的基于Java的客户机选项包括一个Open按钮,让您得以访问书签。
Select the Remote file system option, and then click the Browse button. 选择Remote文件系统选项,然后单击Browse按钮。
Invoked as a pop-up menu option that resulted from selecting ( with the right mouse button) a WSDL document from the current workspace. 作为弹出菜单选项来调用,通过从当前工作空间中选取(用鼠标右键)WSDL文档来实现。
The goal is to provide players with an option where if you can't afford the Rage, you don't push the button, but if you have excess Rage, you can push it a lot. 我们的目标是要提供一个选择:如果你付不起愤怒的球员,你不推的按钮,但如果你有多余的怒气,你可以把它很多。
Give this some thought, and you know, PIVoT has an option that you can discuss problems with other students, so make use of this discussion button and see whether you can come to an explanation. 想一想这个问题,你们知道,PIVoT有一个选项,你们可以互相之间,讨论问题,因此利用这个讨论的按钮,看看你们能否,得出一个解释。
Select the enabled option button and click ok. 选择“已启用”单选按钮,确定。
To switch between the values in a check box or option button 在复选框或选项按钮中的值之间切换
Return to powerpoint, click option button in the control toolbox, and then click below the first option button to insert the second option button into the slide. 返回到powerpoint,单击“控件工具箱”中的“选项按钮”,然后在第一个选项按钮下面单击,以便将第二个选项按钮插入到幻灯片中。
You can hold down shift while you click the option button on the forms toolbar to draw a filled option button instead of a transparent one. 在单击shift键的同时按“窗体”工具栏中的“选项”按钮,以绘制一实心选项而不是透明的选项。
Enabling this option causes the new snapshot button to appear on the history page. 启用此选项后,“历史记录”页上将显示“新建快照”按钮。
The Out Of Office option button selection could not be set. 无法设置外出选项按钮的选择。
Find records in which a check box, toggle button, or option button is or is not selected 查找其复选框、切换按钮或选项按钮未被选中的记录
If you're not sure which option you want, select No and click the Next button. 如果您不确定选择哪个选项,请选择否,然后单击下一步按钮。
Fixed Bundle product with required option must have "Configure" button inactive if one of the option is out of stock. 与所需的选项固定捆绑产品必须有“配置”按钮无效,如果该选项之一是脱销。
Select this option to display arrows on the hide buttons, if the hide button is enabled. 如果隐藏按钮是激活的,选择这个选项显示箭头记号打开隐藏按钮。
For help with an option, click the help button, and then click the field or control for which you need help. 要获得某个选项的帮助,请单击“帮助”按钮,然后单击要获得帮助的字段或控件。
These radio buttons are active only when you choose the Call Out filter option and set the Circle radio button of the Selection Options ON. 这些单选按钮活跃只有当您选择呼叫输出过滤器选项,并设置循环单选按钮的选项的选择。
Using an option that is easy to implement and maintain, you can change the display language by clicking a button without making a permanent change to the user profile. 通过使用一种易于实现和维护的选择,您可以通过点击按钮来更改显示语言,而不需要对用户概要文件进行永久性的更改。
When you see the Confirm Attribute Changes dialog box, select the Apply Changes To This Folder, Subfolders And Files option button and click OK. 当你看到确认属性改变对话框,选择“应用改变到这个文件夹,字文件夹和文件”选项按钮,点击“确认”按钮。
Click either the text option or the picture option, depending on whether you want text or a picture to be displayed on the command button. 单击“文本”选项或“图片”选项,具体取决于您想要在命令按钮上显示文本还是图片。
The paper describes two ways of connection of Option button and Access Database in VB. 介绍在VB中实现单选按钮与Access数据库连接的两种方法。
Connection of Option Button and Database in VB 在VB中实现单选按钮与数据库的连接